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Photograph: flat lay of a messy writing desk covered in vintage natural history books, diaries, and loose scraps of essays and poetry done in brushed ink script.
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Hi! I'm Evvie/Evvin. They/them. I'm a multi-media artist from Massachusetts, inspired by folklore, natural history, and subconscious fantasy. I specialize in traditional watercolor painting tarot symbolism, and lyricism.

Watercolor Icon: flying honey bee
Blog Mission

Art tips, shop talk, process, and musings on creative life. Fairly snarky, slightly haunted, colorful of language. Amateurs, hobbyists, pros, and lovable misfits all welcome!

Watercolor Icon: messages in bottles

Subscribe to receive a once monthly new blast with updates on new projects and events, plus fun process, recommendations, and stuff from behind the scenes!

Watercolor Icon: diamond gem

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​You're a gem!

Watercolor Icon: apple and orange
Watercolor Icon: tree rings

Click here to browse the latest long form offerings in poetry, lyrics, tarot, and folk esoterica from my indie imprint, Hollow Key Press.


If you're looking for the tarot blog, you want the sibling site, or catch the latest spreads on Patreon.

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